
Wednesday, 27 May 2020

Tuesday, 26 May 2020


The story was about this girls grandmas life during the war the country is at war and it was very hard to
find work so most of the country was starving but then her mum put her three kids in an orpongh after
the war countries said that they would take the orponghs they got sent to NZ and then there parents
came to NZ looking for them through the red crouse and got reunited they were going to go back but
there country was not free so they stayed in NZ and they still do polish traditions and are happy.

Monday, 25 May 2020

story board

we had make a story board about the polish refugees and there is one girls grandma that was a
 refugee in Poland she got sent to a factory to make stuff and then her family sent her and her siblings
 to orphanage and after the war they came to New Zealand and there family still does polish

Friday, 22 May 2020


to close to the edge


To close to the edge

This story had two main characters the mum and the daughter the daughter's name was opal
and we didn't get the mom's name, it seemed they were walking away from a bombed city
that i'm
guessing was there town and there walking up a mountain and are are bit close to the
edge and there all starving and dehydrated then opal find a cave and decides to explore it by
herself and walks a bit further into the cave and finds water then the book ended.

Wednesday, 20 May 2020

my name is rez

Today we had to read about a book called 'My name is Rez' and write the summary.

Tuesday, 19 May 2020

refugee poem

Bombs booming guns firing 
dooms coming everyone dying 

crying running to camps no 
time to dance wish to 

go to france to escape this 
terror of war of the claw of death

To take the last breath 
life and no wife separated

By froce deteratied buildings
All around death on the ground

Everyone falling escaping 


Thursday, 7 May 2020

Monday, 4 May 2020

Friday, 1 May 2020

  Man falls into sinkhole full of rats  A man strolling through new york was looking through a store and all of a sudden fell into a sink ho...