
Friday, 30 November 2018


As volcano spews out red hot burning Lava burping with thick gray Smoke polluting
the air eating
everything in its way sounding like loud burp grabbing hold of everything
burning with. His hot
hands and spiky strikes of lighting booming around the sky.

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reflection i think i did good with this

We walk and talked and looked at a rock our socks got blocked we saw a really big flok

I dolt dad it wasn't a rock i said it's a stingray i'll step on it, it started moving it gave us a

shock it was a stingray dad said thanks a lot.
.Image result for stingray

Tuesday, 27 November 2018

google doc ninja challenge

walt become a google doc ninja reflection

Wednesday, 21 November 2018

walt upload a screencastafy to my blog reflection I think i did good

dragon writing

As soon as the villagers went to sleep three bests awoke they gild throw the air like a like a bird one of the beasts got low on the ground but still flying and it caught a villagers sheep and a large scale fall of the dragons back the next morning the villagers woke up and saw all the fences were broken o no bro the mar of the village picked up the scale he said dragons have eaten our sheep we need have four volunteers to go talk to the dragons i will mr mer my name is tim i will talk to the dragons and ask them to stop eating our sheep thank you tim. hey bro can you stop eating our sheep oh na bro there rubs are to good hay mr mar they said no. tell them this means war ok. Even if you don’t this means war your dragons will die mate oh ok we will eat more sheep there still saying no bro Fire all of the flaming rocks hit the dragons and they flew away now we don’t see them to this day.   
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veg car

Monday, 12 November 2018

Friday, 9 November 2018

Potato car

The winning vegetable
car of 2018. blaze destroy for
sale $500
  With carrot wheels two smallwheels at the front two big ones at the back,   this car won the race and literally blazed its competitors. we were to fast for them Get it now at a cheap price. With sleek, compact enviro-friendly designing the blaze is the best.
The blaze consists of a sleek potato body, and carrot wheels. Potato flowers are an additional feature and can be easily removed. Its engine contains a supercharged potato v8!!!

Toothpick bumper carrot wheels potato body

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